New York State
Voting Machines

Learn about the voting machines available in your specific polling place, as well as information on how your voting system will be used in an election. We hope that these resources answer any voting questions you may have and will provide you with a better understanding of what to expect when you arrive at your polling place.

Know Your Voting Machines

Accessible Voting
Ballot Marking Devices

Ballot Marking Devices provide increased opportunities for individuals with disabilities to vote privately and independently through the use of audio and tactile interfaces. These systems also are equipped with features to allow the voter to adjust for size and contrast the ballot image, and allow the use of a "Sip-N-Puff" or paddle device by voters with limited hand dexterity.

Any voter may request to use a ballot marking device to vote at a poll site; not just voters with a disability or in need of language assistance. Many individuals have disabilities that are not readily apparent and cannot be easily seen. Poll workers should not assume that a voter will or will not want to use a ballot marking device, ask a voter what their disability is, or otherwise decide that the voter should or should not use a ballot marking device. The decision to use a ballot marking device is up to the voter.
Photo of an older male wheelchair-bound voter holding an American Flag grabbing a ballot from a ballot worker
E-Poll Book Systems
Signing in at the Poll Site
To accommodate the needs of early voting and ensure that no voter votes more than once, New York State has largely moved from traditional paper pollbooks to an E-Poll Book system that communicates with all pollbooks within the county.
Voting Systems Testing
Below you will find our voting machine review process and corresponding reports for each machine.
Voter Registration Systems
Voter Registration systems are software databases used by County Boards of Elections to maintain and update the voter registration records of voters within the county, as well as perform additional, tangentially related functions like absentee ballots and election inspector scheduling. As the digitized copy of the voter roll for the county, all maintenance is performed at a county level. These updates are then reported out to the statewide database (NYSVoter), which then updates based on these county level changes. The statewide database simply aggregates existing data, and exerts no control over county level systems. Voter Registration systems must be approved for use by the New York State Board of Elections, and once approved, undergo routine functional and security testing to ensure the system remains secure and compliant over the course of time. Voter Registration systems do not interface with voting machines in any way. The approved Voter Registration system vendors are NTS Data, NextVote, ES&S, N-tier and Essex County.
Contact Us
Please direct all comments or questions regarding voting machine testing to