
Electronic poll books are digital record books that allow election workers to easily upload and maintain voter rolls at the poll site during early voting and on election day. Voters can sign in at the poll site on a tablet rather than a paper poll book allowing for less paper waste and a quicker process when checking in to vote. Electronic poll books are easily searchable by name of voter or address, and are often used in conjunction with a ballot on demand printer for a further reduction of wasted paper. The New York State Legislature allowed for the use of electronic poll books in 2019. 

Tenex Electronic Pollbook System

The Tenex system utilizes an Apple iPad for the voter point of contact device, which then communicates with a secure central system administered by the county board of elections. In addition to tracking voter check ins, this also allows counties to check in and process voters faster, reducing wait times, and more easily re-direct voters to the correct polling place should the need arise. 


Robis Electronic Pollbook System

The Robis system utilizes a Windows-based set-up for the voter point of contact device, which then communicates with a secure central system administered by the county board of elections. In addition to tracking voter check ins, this also allows counties to check in and process voters faster, reducing wait times, and more easily re-direct voters to the correct polling place should the need arise. 


KNOWiNK Electronic Pollbook System

The KNOWiNK system utilizes an Apple iPad for the voter point of contact device, which then communicates with a secure central system administered by the county board of elections. In addition to tracking voter check ins, this also allows counties to check in and process voters faster, reducing wait times, and more easily re-direct voters to the correct polling place should the need arise.